Thursday, November 23, 2006

Its raining, I'm rambeling.

I don't like the rain. Stupid rain. It's all cold and dark and wet and just generally rainy. Not to mention the worst thing about rain. Its noise. I was writing my short film screenplay earlier until I was distracted by the rain. Each drop of water banging on the window was going "Look at me, look at me! Stop your work and LOOK AT MEEE!"

Rain does have a problem though. See no-one really cares about rain that much. Technically it brings as much life and use into the world as the sun; we eat plants and they need water just as much as they need light. Yet everyone's far more appreciative of the sun. When it rains we all run indoors. We hide our heads and move quickly away mumbling about the stupid weather. Yet in the sun we lie down, expose as much skin as possible, and start praising its heat and warmth.

Not to mention rains portrayal in films. Whenever there's an assassination in a film they'll show it raining. Whenever someones marriage breaks down it'll be raining. Whenever anything dark or dramatic or ultimately negative happens, it'll be raining. In fact I've often thought how easy it must be to be a weatherman in Hollywood; "Tomorrow if you feel sad or unhappy, I'm afraid you can expect a cloudy day with very heavy rain fall. But if you've got a big celebration, you're feeling on top of the world, or just have plans to walk in slow-motion down a street to a cheerful sound track, well it'll be a gorgeous sun like you've never seen. Goodnight."

I think this is why rain is so annoying. It wants our attention, because all we do is ignore or negativise it. If your chief competitor got its own day named after it, and songs that cheer it along, giving it hat-based prizes, you'd get a bit noisy and jealous. Especially if you get a song telling you to 'go away' as well. anyone would make annoying noise in that circumstance.

But really it should learn to control itself a bit more. The sun has been the more important one for years, rain should really have got over it by now. Okay so the un has been worshipped as a god by many different civilisations and cultures, but rain has been called a god too. Yes, that civilasation may have worshipped bread, ducks and rocks as gods also, but it still kinda counts. And think of all the rain-dances performed? Everyone loves a good dance performed in their name. Take that as your recognition.

Its not that I don't want rain to protest. I think anyone would, but I should just learn to accept it. I readily agree that rain is over-looked and underappreciated, its just that its noise is annoying. And whilst I support its cause I don't do work all that often, so when I am I'd quite like it to be quite for a bit. And in fact if it also would keep its protest down when I want to listen to something or when I'm trying to sleep that'd be nice. In fact if it could also stop raining when I'm out walking anywhere that'd be pleasing. I mean I do support its cause and all, so it would be good if it'd support me and be less noisy and well, a little less... rubbish.

In fact it could just try being a bit more like the sun. The suns all quite and nowhere near as wet. Although I suppose the sun does cause skin cancer. And rather then keep me awake at night, its the sun that wakes me up in the morning.... Not to mention sun burn...

Hey! What's the suns big problem? Everyone likes the sun, yet its actually being rather evil. Rain may be annoying but I think I might actually like it more then the sun.

Stupid sun.

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